Meanwhile, the evil wizard travels with his entourage to Buzzard's Bay, where he learns the location of Shauku's castle, deep in the pinelands of Arboria, from a local sage (promptly killed). When they reach the Great Wall at the end of the desert, Hazezon shifts them atop the mountain range, while he will remain behind, preparing the city for the inevitable return of Johan. Here, he has a vision sent by the mysterious Shauku, who invites Johan to her library, where she has tomes detailing the tigermen of Efrava.Īfter the fight at the market, Jedit is enlisted in Adira's Circle of Seven and the group starts to follow Johan's trail. In the ensuing fight, Johan manages to escape in the Western Wastes. Jedit almost kills Johan, but the wizard summons several Beasts of Bogardan in the Palmyran market. Jedit, mad at Johan's betrayal, pursues the fleeing man and, when he catches him, seeing that Johan has Jaeger's medallion, understands that the tyrant killed his father. The furious Jedit is then unleashed on Hazezon and Adira but, during the fight, the two spells start to conflict one with the other, dazing Jedit and permitting the Robaran Mercenaries to reveal to him that Jaeger was their good friend. To exact his revenge, Johan casts a disguise spell on Jedit, making him look like a barbarian, and orders a witch to cast another spell to increase the tiger's bloodlust. Johan lies to Jedit, telling him that Jaeger helped the Tirras army in its war against the evil Adira Strongheart and Hazezon Tamar, who killed the tiger. The two manage to once again cross the desert and reach the city of Palmyra.
#Jedit jinkii free
However, he manages to free himself and flees the oasis, followed by Jedit, who wants to know the truth about his father's fate. When Jedit, Hestia, and Johan return to the village, the wizard is once again imprisoned for execution. Meanwhile, Jedit's mother, the seer of the tribe, has a vision of the Prophecy of One, None, and Two, which reveals to her that Johan is an evil man. Johan is free to roam Efrava in the company of the two tigers, all the while studying the lay of the land for his future conquest. After much debating, Jedit's friend Hestia asks to postpone Johan's execution, since she and Jedit will watch over him. Efravan law, however, prohibits access to strangers, and Johan and Jedit are escorted to the village elders, where Johan is promptly imprisoned for later execution, much to Jedit's dismay. Johan is saved from a sand wurm attack by Jedit Ojanen, a young tiger man who has awaited his father, Jaeger, since he left their homeland. Johan has crossed the Sukurvia on a drake's back and has almost reached the oasis of Efrava, when the exhausted drake crashes on the sand. A warrior-half-man, half-tiger-embarks on a perilous adventure that will decide the fate of a continent.Įven the desert sands cannot erase the story of Jedit Ojanen, one of the characters from the Magic Legends card set. In a world separated from the rest of the cosmos by an ancient war. The first Legends Cycle is the post-rev retelling of the comic Legend of Jedit Ojanen. It was written by Clayton Emery and published in December 2001. It continues the story which started in Johan and concluded in Hazezon. Jedit is the second novel in the first Legends Cycle.